Sharks are huge bloodthirsty beasts. But be sure that you don’t go near them or say bye bye to you arm. Make sure you are ready to feast on knowledge about diet and habitat about these extraordinary mammals.
Did you know that Most species of shark like to eat things like fish, mollusks, plankton, krill, marine mammals and other sharks!!! They hunt their prey by using a special sense. The sense is like a magnet this magnet connect to something right. So pretend that the magnet is the shark and the metal is blood they always get closer to him 1..2..3… go Fish or should I say bye Fish.
Sharks have adapted to living in a wide range of water habitats at many different temperatures. While some species like to inhabit shallow, the coast, others live in deep waters, on the ocean floor and in the open ocean. Some species, like the bull shark, are even known to swim in salt, fresh and brackish waters.
Let’s get into the fun fact about these beast, It has been estimated that the bite force of great white shark is up to 4,000 PSI. For comparison, a tiger generates around 1,000 PSI of bite force.
In conclusion and my opinion I still think that Sharks are very strong and scary at the same time. I would not like to swim past a shark unless I have the right gear. Although people say that you stay still and the shark will go past. (Me) Swimming for my life(going wawawa all the way home). Stay the hell away from them beasts or else you should say sayonara to god knows what part of your body.