What makes a good team player? For me personally, I think that it takes great to commit to others by always looking for who is open and always talking. If the person is always talking then the team will be knowing what is happening on the court or field. I need to display the roles of a leader.
What is your role in your team? My role is the captain and the coach. It takes a lot of responsibility because they will occasionally look up to you and may even rely on you. This is the way I like it, I like taking responsibility for my team and helping them when they struggle. In physical matters.
How could you better your team? I think that giving my team some encouragement will definitely help. The reason behind this is so they can feel confident on the court and not get scared easily. What I like to personally do is when they achieve something good I make sure that everyone knows that.
I also think that giving them a chance every once in a while. Lastly is being a role model to them and showing them how it is done. ;)